As winter comes to a close (is it okay to say that now?), we’re looking forward to stepping out across the commonwealth and talking to folks about ranked choice voting. Watch the website events page for scheduled canvassing opportunities!
What were we up to in March?
Expanding endorsements and coalition building by attending Café LOUIE events and networking with other organizations
Working on our 501(c)3 approval from the IRS
Learning from RCV campaigns in other states to help set our path
Spiffing up the website
Louisville folks, please consider attending a class at the Main Library called, "Behind the Lines: Redistricting & Gerrymandering Explained Fast Class". It's free and will be held on April 14th at 6:30PM. Registration is required ahead of time. For more information...
Join Rank the Vote Thursday, April 7th at 8pm ET (RSVP here) to learn about how to communicate with elected officials about RCV (including giving testimony at bill hearings) from R Street, a non-partisan DC think tank, that was spun off from the right-of-center Heartland Institute ten years ago.
by Mathew Ruberg, Rank the Vote KY
Instead of just yelling into the void, angry and desperate for someone to save us, I’m playing an active role in making changes I believe in. Read more...
Former Missouri senators discuss bipartisanship in politics
by Cameron Barnard, Longview News-Journal
Mar 15, 2022 Updated Mar 16, 2022
Former U.S. Sens. Claire McCaskill and John Danforth came together to discuss bipartisanship in politics. Read more...
You may have heard the discouraging news recently of bills to ban RCV in Florida, Tennessee, and California. Don’t forget that RCV is gaining momentum across the country – it’s is becoming more and more mainstream and isn't just some fad that's going to go away! With this in mind, it makes sense that those opposed are becoming more vocal and that we should be prepared with data-based rebuttals and positive pivot points. Watch our social media for webinars and infographics to add to your RCV toolbox!