Are you excited? Next month, small but mighty Alaska will debut ranked choice voting in their state-wide their elections. Today, nearly 10 million Americans live in a jurisdiction using it! More important, the vast majority of those who have voted using ranked choice ballots want to continue using it in the future.
The door is wide open, now we need your help to walk through it. Polling shows RCV can win anywhere, but there is much work ahead to bring the people together to make this movement a reality in Kentucky. With your help, we can do this!
Don’t miss our upcoming Statewide Open Call! Mark your calendar now and join us on May 26th, at 7:30 pm EDT (6:30 pm CDT).
Build our organization: Serve in leadership or on a team
Our greatest need right now is for volunteers to serve on our Messaging, Outreach and Fundraising teams. Can you spare an hour or two of time each week to one of these teams?
Grow our grassroots base to 1,000 members
Let's hone our outreach skills with a small challenge: new signups! Send your friends, family, and org lists this link to sign up:
Help defray our infrastructure costs: Become a donor
Our goal is to raise $1000 to pay for our basic overhead -- database, website, printing, food, and transportation costs. Please consider becoming a monthly sustainer or making a one-time donation.
by Elizabeth Hawks, Rank the Vote KY
Our voting system is tearing us apart. It prevents us from working together to tackle the real challenges our communities face. Read more...
by David Meyers, Fulcrum
April 20, 2022
More than 60 percent of Americans favor using an alternative method of casting ballots known as ranked-choice voting for federal elections, according to polling data released Wednesday morning. Read more...
Now is the time to step up your engagement with this important movement for a better voting system. We're energized and the future is looking bright!